What Happens At A Gathering One2One Prayer Meeting?

Gathering One2One for Prayer has eight steps:

1. Open In Prayer

One person thanks God and asks the Holy Spirit to help you pray.

2. Read A Bible Passage Aloud

Divide the passage in parts and take turns, or a different person reads each meeting.

3. Adoration

Each person briefly shares some things he or she would like to praise God for. Then, they take turns praying praise to God for who he is and what he has done.

4. Confession

Each person briefly shares some ways in which he or she has sinned or needs help repenting. Then, they take turns admitting these sins and failures to God and asking for his forgiveness and help.

5. Thanksgiving

Each person briefly shares some things that he or she is grateful to God for. Then, they take turns thanking God for what he has done for the other person, and for you.

6. Supplication

Each person briefly shares some needs, cares, and concerns that he or she would like prayer for. Then, take turns bringing one another’s requests to God for help.

7. Schedule the next meeting

Date, time, and place!

8. Close in prayer

The person who didn’t pray to start thanks God for hearing and answering prayer.

(NEXT PAGE: Find some suggested Bible texts that you can to read aloud together to start your prayer meetings here)